Resume page

Hi, I’ve created in one page per content (skill, educations, etc.) and a link on the sidebar labelled “Resume”. I would like that when clicking “resume”, a new page appear displaying all sections already written in other pages. In other words… Resume should be a “page of pages”. How can I simply design a […]

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Introduc another WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugins

Woocommerce is a plugin that easily integrates with your WordPress account, which makes your web WordPress e-commerce in only a few clicks completely functional. The first solution for the consumer who wanted to start their stores online was the plugin released in 2011. Woocommerce assists you in creating a WordPress e-commerce shop. WordPress is like […]

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8 Choicest WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce allows you to install variability in swatches in your online WooCommerce shop for variable product attributes. The plugin allows the height, width, and shape of the Swatch icons to be customized. The WooCommerce Variety Swatches plugin offers shoppers an out-of-the-box summary of possible variants for items in your WooCommerce business (such […]

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12+ essential plugins for WooCommerce to Manage WooCommerce store

Having faced a problem to Manage WooCommerce Store? Or wish to promote sales by using essential plugins for WooCommerce? Or simply want to make consumer user-friendly and increase product sales with the use of top WooCommerce plugins? If my guesses not from your point of view, then it’s okay you’re welcome too. Because this article […]

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17+ Best eCommerce WordPress themes minimalist by WordPress company

For the past few days, I’ve heard a number of questions about the best eCommerce WordPress themes minimalist by WordPress Company. Specifically, wish to know about startup minimalist eCommerce commercial WordPress themes site. To clarify, eCommerce is a highest-ranking, heroical, essential and important plugin to launch a business-affair in online-presence. So, I have a list […]

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