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Enrich Your WordPress Website with Unlimited Background Slider

Are you intending to make your WordPress website eye-catchy to your visitors? You might wonder to read about the slider that gives a revolutionary outlook to your WordPress website just by giving a dynamic aspect to the background. Unlimited background slider plugin gives you the opportunity to make your website background dynamic with various effects and animations. These styles, animations and effects further can be customized to make your website trendy. The plugin further offers the customization options in the admin panel.

Unlimited Background slider provides you the variety of effects that can be manipulated by the means of different options. The backend of plugin in admin panel gives you the liberty to customize and craft your own background slides. The plugin backend provides you the option to upload the images of your choice. After that, you are also provided with the option of background overlay color that can be selected from color palette. Furthermore, the background overlay opacity can also be adjusted to your required levels.

The appearance setting provides you the option to choose the animation styles such as fade, blur, slide, zoom, black and white and grayscale effects. In addition to this, these effects are also provided with the combinations such as fading and zooming, sliding and zooming, blur and zoom etc along with the directions so as to give you the full control for customization of background slides. Time adjustment is another important thing that needs to be set is time duration of animation. No matter which effect for the slide you choose, but you have to make sure that you have selected the appropriate timing for slide transitions.

The backend of plugin further offers you the option to set up the speed of slide transition in milliseconds giving your full control of background image sliding speed. Further, the Auto Play option gives the liberty to change the background automatically. However, if the option is disabled, the background slides can be moved manually by the user. But, enabled option is more feasible as it requires less user interaction for the provision of rich background slides.

You can give you users the opportunity to navigate through the background slides by enabling the Show Navigation option. The navigation is further customized by the means of different options such as the navigation opposition. You can select the best place on your website place the navigation bar it can either top-left or bottom-right along with many other placement options. The navigation bar further offers the full screen mode of website so as to give more attractive outlook to your website.

If you are not interested in showing navigation bar, you can go with the option of showing thumbs of your background slides. The backend of the plugin in WordPress admin panel gives the option of showing thumbs along with the position of thumbs so that users may view and select between the slides they like.

Unlimited background slider is very easy to install and use in WordPress. A novice can easily do it without doing any extra or hectic efforts. The plugin comes with the manual so that you may understand the process installation and configuration before its final implementation to your website. The plugin is fully supported such as if you face any problem due to WordPress version upgrade, you will be provided the updated and fully supported version of the version.

Comparing it with other available plugins will reveal that Unlimited background slider has been integrated with the ample and comprehensive animation options that are seldom found in other plugins and this aspect makes this plugin unique.