SupportCategory: Wordpress Pluginsunlimited backgound slider thumnails not showing
sergio asked 7 years ago

Good  afternoon I have purshased (in fact twice by mystake) the unlimited slider backgounds and eveithing works fine, but the image thumbnaisl are not working please help

2 Answers
eDataStyle Staff answered 7 years ago

Can you give me wp-admin user name and password on skype ( e2getway ) . so we can fix everything within few time …

eDataStyle Staff replied 7 years ago

or you can send me details on e2getway

eDataStyle Staff answered 7 years ago


please upgrade new version


kabaliraa replied 7 years ago

when i installed theme Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in

eDataStyle Staff replied 7 years ago

Can you show me url ?