SupportCategory: OtherMy license key is invalid
rameshmetta.hyd asked 6 years ago

Hi Team.
I bought newsMagpro and i did receive the license key in email as well as in orders page. But when i try giving the license key ,it says as below:

License data:
Error, your license is invalid!

2) Also, i’m facing the data -import error : below is the error from log file. 

---Downloaded files---
The import files for: Demo Import were successfully downloaded!
Initial max execution time = 30
Files info:
Site URL =
Data file = /home/rameshmetta/public_html/wp-content/themes/newsmagbd-pro/inc/demo-data/demo.xml
Widget file = /home/rameshmetta/public_html/wp-content/themes/newsmagbd-pro/inc/demo-data/widgets.wie
Customizer file = not defined!
Redux files:
not defined!

---Importing widgets---
Sidebar : 

Search - No Title - Widget already exists
Recent Posts - No Title - Widget already exists
Recent Comments - No Title - Widget already exists
Archives - No Title - Widget already exists
Categories - No Title - Widget already exists
Meta - No Title - Widget already exists

Footer Widget : 

NewsMag: Popular / Top Categories - Top Categories - Widget already exists
NewsMag: Popular / Top Categories - Popular Categories - Widget already exists
NewsMag : Sidebar Posts List - Popular Posts - Widget already exists
NewsMag : Sidebar Posts List - Top Posts - Widget already exists

Header Ad : 

Custom HTML - No Title - Widget already exists

Please kindly assist !!

1 Answers
eDataStyle Staff answered 6 years ago

We have sent the key to your email . please check and active !