I have purchased CorporateSource Pro and am very happy with it. I do have one big problem though and that is I can not dectivate the meta information connected to a simple post.
I have deactivated the META INFORMATION on from the admin dashboard panel http://prntscr.com/j2h0r1 yet the information is still visible as you can see here from the post I made on the front page of my site http://prntscr.com/j2h1cs
I would be really thankfull for your help since it is important for my business that the post meta data is not visible
My site is http://www.webauditlab.com/
thank you for your time and look forward to hopefully finding a solution
ok,,, is there anything I can do NOW to deactivate the META information ?
I can not launch the site if the authors info and name is being shown. I really need to deactivate this option
We have fixed the issue and released new version .. please go there ( wp-admin-> Appearance -> Themes ) and update ..
We have fixed the issue and released new version 1.5 .. please go there ( wp-admin-> Appearance -> Themes ) and update ..
we are checking and if we found any issue we will released new version …so you can auto update everything ,,