Easy Portfolio Gallery

(1 customer review)


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Easy Portfolio Gallery is a versatile plugin that has been developed to cater your needs of personal and professional portfolio creation. It has been integrated with the responsive mobile themes and designs so that it may easily get fit to your desktop and mobile devices. No matter which type of user is browsing your WordPress portfolio website, he or she will be able to view and manipulate the options to make the customized portfolio gallery. You can easily integrate the portfolio gallery into the posts and pages along with other locations.

Not only it saves time exponentially, but Easy Portfolio Gallery also helps you to create unique and creative portfolios using interactive Effects & their Sub effects.

Also to create a portfolio No coding knowledge is required. No matter if you are a beginner, Intermediate, Designer or a Developer, Ultra Portofolio is designed to suit everyone.

The admin panel has been incorporated with the easy to use interface where you need only 2 minutes for the creation of gallery for portfolio within no time. All of these facilities can be availed in the free available version.

Compare All Features

Build the website you want with powerful features and options.
Features Free PRO
24/7 Priority Support wordpress.org Ticket,Email,Skype & Teamviewer
Number of Portfolio 10 Unlimited
Thumbnail Type 1 4
Portfolio Style 1 5+
Grid Style 1 8
Captions Hover Effects 3 16+
Google Fonts 10 500+
Portfolio Desktop Column 1-4 Portfolio per line 1-8 Portfolio per line
Portfolio Ttablet Column 1-3 Portfolio per line 1-8 Portfolio per line
Portfolio Mobile Column 1-2 Portfolio per line 1-8 Portfolio per line
Unlimited Color    
Remove Our Development Credits everywhere.    

Additional information

Plugins License

Unlimited Site License, Commercial License

1 review for Easy Portfolio Gallery

  1. request

    I love all your themes
    Well done

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