Hi, I will disable the WooCommerce & related shopping elements in the Sorna theme for the initial site launch. I have disabled everything except for the image of the shopping bag that appears on the bottom left of the screen. Where do I disable that image?
Can you disable woocommerc plugin then will be okay..
Is it possible to keep WooCommerce active and remove the image? I want to use the WooCommerce product categories, etc as I will later enable eCommerce.
Please check bellow screenshot
I have that setting turned off. It disabled the cart in the upper right, but this basket image remains in the bottom left. : (
For right side icon please check this setting ( http://yourwebsite.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woosmc )
Just now we release a version .. please update all issue will be solve
For Learn More:
video tutorial ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbCkzAA1E04&list=PLh829BFYaqZqsqZCcYRRjG163e2iOUn3- )
and theme document : https://eds.edatastyle.com/_docs/sornacommerce/