I am using the theme https://edatastyle.com/product/eds-bootstrap-wp/ and every project that I create in the wordpress is added the content edsproject in the path, I have already searched in many places where is possible to remove this and I was not able to find, might you kindly let me know where is possible to remove or edit this content ?
Thank you
Please check wp-admin have a menu ( Project & portfolio ) . you can edit with ( Project & portfolio ) menu… Link will be somthing like as ( http://your_server.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=edsproject )
I did not understand what you mean, but in this menu I am able only to change the slug, not the entire Permalink path:
This Pemalink is: https://testserver.anything/edsproject/test/
And I would like to change to https://testserver.anything/test/ or https://testserver.anything/projects/test/
Thanks in advance
Are you want to remove project text from Permalink link ?
yes, this is what we need.
I need the same thing too please?