We made a purchase (#1385) regarding a wordpress theme, called “eds Bootstrap One Page Parallax WordPress Theme”, we have installed the theme with no issues and are using it normally, but I can see that some elements are not being translated, we have already installed a language pack and filled out the file “edsbootstrap.pot” in the path “wp-content/themes/edsbootstrap-pro/languages”…
Might you kindly let us to know how these elements remaining can be translated, we have already tried to find it in the documentation and were not able to find. Follow below some examples:
Content “comment” in field comment in BLOG, Page title “You searched for” …
We have also translated some contents in php files…
Thank you !
We updated the Translated version ! you will be notified through email with download link.
Great, what is the procedure that we have to do ?
I would like also to know how is possible to change the style of the “Read more >>” button in the blog because it is being customized trough the php file called “dynamic_css.php”
Thank you !
Please go theme options and ( Styling Options -> Primary Color Scheme )
Please go theme options and ( Styling Options -> Primary Color Scheme )
Hi, I did this, but the hover color does not match with the color scheme, look the screen shots below…
Regarding the translate file, we have just to upload the file ? All the things that we have already made will be lost or the data will be kept ?
Thank you
Please re download !
Please re download !
We are updating the theme , Hope today i will give update !