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10 Free and Premium Responsive Admin Template

Responsive Admin Template

Want to create a website, but do not have knowledge about programming language. We offer a bunch of free and premium admin templates which makes easy to web development work. All these template build using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and Angular. The template provides a huge collection of reusable components and it’s integrated with jQuery plug-ins. The template can be used to create CMS, CRM, and Custom admin dashboard.

If you use the admin panel template, you don’t have to start a website from scratch. Most of the admin templates are highly customizable, fully responsive, and easy to use. A template increases the user experience among different devices and browsers. Here, we have a listed Top 10 feature loaded admin panel templates to create a stunning website..

Star Admin 2 – Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard template

Star Admin 2

Star Admin 2 is a modern admin dashboard template that is built with Bootstrap 5. This is a modern version of the all-time popular dashboard template, Star Admin. The template comes with many pre-built pages that you can customize easily. The code is simple, and easy to follow, ensuring that no time is wasted. You can set up and build your dashboard within minutes if you use Star Admin 2. New layouts and pages are updated regularly. With Star Admin 2 Pro, you also get free access to future updates, and 12 months of premium customer support.

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Preview screenshots of datta-able free admin template

Datta able is a simple and elegant Bootstrap admin template. It comes with a minimal design and coding. Its eye-catching layout provides 30+ color variations and if the user can customize color with a single change of SCSS file. The best feature is it comes with a video tutorial that solves every problem regarding installation. Datta able comes with a light-dark layout. The template is compatible with all modern browsers such as chrome and Mozilla and a device such as tablets, mobile.

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Preview screenshots of crok free admin template

Cork is a powerful admin dashboard template built in Bootstrap and SaaS for all kind of backend project. It’s a clean and structured code design that will save developer time also include a pre-design jquery app for easily built applications. Cork contains a set of reusable components such as button, chart, map, form, and widget. The best feature is it comes with a light-dark mode and the design 100% responsive and adaptive. Cork has a collection of the pre-built app such as calendar, to-do, invoice, etc.

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Preview screenshots of frest free admin template

Frest is a clean and minimal Bootstrap admin template that is beautifully crafted using HTML5 and CSS3. It is a developer-friendly and feature-rich as well as highly customizable dashboard perfect choice for your next website. Using frest you can create app such as CRM system, education app, banking app, fitness app, project management app, etc.

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Mash Able

Preview screenshots of mash free admin template

Mash able is a flexible admin template built using Bootstrap4. It’s clean and sophisticated design attract user attention. The theme is easy to use and easy to manage all the elements. It comes with a live customizer and light-dark layout. Mash able includes 2000 pages, 80+ plug-ins, 1000+ UI, 4 mega dashboards as well as 10+ RTL support layout.

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Preview screenshots of vex free admin template

Vex is a creative material design admin template built with Angular9 and Angular-CLI. It offers you everything to start a next CRM, CMS, or dashboard. Vex is easy to customize and use. The pre-built pages and new pages can easily be added and customizable. Vex is a fast and lightweight admin template.

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Gradient Able

Preview screenshots of gradient-able free admin template

Gradient able is a built using Bootstrap 4 beta framework. You can say that it is a featured rich admin template. It’s elegant and classy design is best for the professional and business. It gives a sleek and beautiful look. This admin template compatible with all major devices such as mobile, template, etc. It comes with a powerful feature such as drag-drop builder, button, alerts, badges, widget, etc. Gradient able comes with a clean and minimal design interface.

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Noble UI

Preview screenshots of noble-UI free admin template

Noble UI is a powerful and lightweight dashboard template based on Bootstrap4. It contains a huge collection of reusable components and integrated with jQuery. It is a fully responsive Bootstrap admin dashboard that works well with all browsers. Noble UI is a comes with a building code with GULP automation. The sidebar comes with a light and dark color option.

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Preview screenshots of skote free admin template

Skote is available in React, Vue, Angular, .Net MVC Node platform. It also available light-dark versions with multiple modes. It is a fully-featured premium admin dashboard template built-in HTML and Laravel 7. Skote also includes the sketch file for clean and minimal design. It also helps to Create a SaaS-based interface for E-commerce, Crypto, CRM, CMS, Admin panel.

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Air CasperoBoard is a professional-looking awesome premium dashboard template built in different frameworks . It has a 10+ app pages (such as google analytics, digital ocean), 99+ useful widget. It comes with a structure code and design. It comes with a multilingual demo.

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Preview screenshots of vanta free admin template

Vanta is a clean design, modular code admin template, which is a catchy dark admin template. If you want to build a dark theme vanta is perfect for you. It consists of a vast collection of a reusable UI component, page layout, chart, table, etc. Vanta is fully responsive and compatible with all major browsers.

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In these article, included all the template comes with a free demo version. If you want to more feature Switch into premium one. All templates are easy to use and customizable.

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Introduc another WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugins


Woocommerce is a plugin that easily integrates with your WordPress account, which makes your web WordPress e-commerce in only a few clicks completely functional. The first solution for the consumer who wanted to start their stores online was the plugin released in 2011. Woocommerce assists you in creating a WordPress e-commerce shop. WordPress is like the operating system of your website, and WordPress is by far the most common way.

Woocommerce is the core operating system of WordPress and makes it an e-commerce shop entirely operational.
WooCommerce variation swatches is an extension of Woocommerce that turns dropdown variation into pleasant-looking swatches. Available swatches present is for color, picture, and name. Image swatches will be applied automatically for attributes of color variation that include an image. The plugin offers an artistic and technical interface for the collection of features. It transforms the select options fields for the product variety into radio pictures, colors, and labels.


The plugin not only provides the attributes of color, picture, and mark on the Woocommerce single product list. It offers insightful variation switches for Woocommerce stores to give consumers more comprehensively product variations when shopped online. The personalized packaging of product variety swatches (color, picture, and text) and toolboxes gives the customers smooth shopping experience.

You may add a default color, picture, or mark to each element in an attribute management page with a friendly and easy-to-use interface. It helps you to pick the right style in the editing product page for quick add attributes. If a color attribute with a variation image is associated, image swatches can be applied automatically.

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro plugin offer a far better way to show variable product variations. You can use this plugin to pick the style as a color, picture, or mark for each attribute. You can view this plugin in a better way than is provided by Woocommerce to colors, sizes, designs, and many items. This plugin offers even more choices with swatches to show product variations. It does not affect the Woocommerce default download form.

Smart Variation Swatches for WooCommerce are easy to use for the Woocommerce app. It provides an esthetic and technical experience in selecting variation product attributes. It transforms the product variety into radio images, colors, and labels to choose fields of choice. This way, you can view product variation products in pictures, colors, and labels using this dominant WordPress color or image variation switches plugin. And you can say good-bye to the item attributes of the dropdown items. In the market with 10, 000 + internet pages, the sole variation swatches are available. It’s primarily compatible with topics and plugins on the market. It’s reliable, fit for Flatsome, OceanWP, Divi, etc.

Within the Single Woocommerce product, the Smart Variation Swatches does not merely provide the attributes color, radio, picture, and mark. It also helps them to display the items quickly. You have no difficulty in loading color and picture swatches individually in quick sight while using Woocommerce themes just like Flatsome, which is included by default Easy View option. This Woocommerce Pro Smart Variation Swatches plugin lets you handle the rounding and circling design and style swatches beyond the production of the size, brand, picture, color, and label variation swatches. On top of that, it helps you to hover beautiful tooltips on variation swatch. You allow and disable hover from the configurations according to your requirements. The product attributes patterns display the option to deactivate the default plugin sheet to be personally able to write your CSS to automate and personalize your development process.
Besides, the variety of swatches can also be used in category dropdown webpages for direct product filtering. It helps consumers to quickly find out which items match with their unique color range and design choices.

Equip the shop customers with a more seamless and visually appealing shopping experience by configuring swatches of variety right now.

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Creating Your New Website Yourself Using WordPress – An Overview

This article acquaints you with the tools you need to build your website yourself. This is not a tutorial on coding, but to make you familiar with everything that is needed to put together a fully functioning WordPress site on your own.

It is going to be a DIY project. You are going to understand the components and the environment needed to make this work. We are also going to learn where to source these components from. A general overview of these components. And how to avoid mistakes in the process.

Why create your website yourself?

Now the question arises, why create your website yourself?

What are the circumstances that may necessitate you to get down on your hands and knees, and get all dirty learning the process of creating a website yourself?
The primary reason for many is going to be to save some money.Website design could cost you anywhere from a few thousand dollars to upwards of $30,000 yearly.
And that is a lot of money indeed to spend on a website.

Doing it yourself could save most of it. Indeed, if you wanted, you could bring down the cost of the website to less than 100 dollars per year.
Yes, you really could do that.

When we are finished with the article, we will see that our pricing would indeed be around that figure or even less.
Another reason for a DIY website project would be that you have lots of time on hand. You are inquisitive and want to learn and experiment. Perhaps, you want to be a blogger? And earn money blogging? Or you want to see what is involved before picking up this profession itself!

The reasons could be many and varied. But if it can be done, why not learn about it. The more you know the better decisions you can take in life.

What are the disadvantages?

A question comes to mind. Why isn’t everybody designing their website if this can be done so easily? Are there any disadvantages to creating your website yourself?
The answer to that depends on how much time and moneyyou have on hand. And, of course, what your priorities are in life.

If you have too much time and very little money, like when you are a student. Then you would want to use that time and learn to create something new. In this case, a new website. And the acquired knowledge is going to be quite handy later. It is indeed going to be a good use of your time in such a case.

But if you have adequate money and very little time. You would rather hire a professional to do it. Right?

Again, if you have set priorities, which does not involve learning WordPress. Then too, it would be better to hire a professional designer to save you time.
Another thing you should keep in mind is that designing is an acquired skill. No one can learn it overnight. You cannot become a Picasso the moment you decide to paint.
Therefore, if you need something outright professional, hire a designer.

Well, the situation is not all that doom and gloom. Let’s face it. When you are starting, you are not looking for a piece of art. And moreover, if you are going to start a blog, any decent free theme can do the job more than adequately.

On that positive note, let’s go ahead and check out the different components you need to get this done right.

1. Domain Name

The first thing you need is a domain name. What is a domain name you ask?
It is the website address or URL, that usually ends with .com, .net, .org, etc. And you type it in the browser address barto fetch that site.

Domain Name

Here as you can see in the above screenshot, raycreations.netis the domain name here.

A domain name is like our website’s address on the internet.When one types this in the address bar, in the background, it gets converted into the right IP address and fetches the appropriate files from the physical web server hosting your website. The server could reside in any part of the world.

The way it all works is nothing short magic. It’s fascinating.

Domain is the most important component of this mix

A domain typically costs between $10 and $15 per year. It is perhaps the cheapest component that makes up the ecosystem of a website. But it is undoubtedly the most important component of all.

Whatever goodwill, links, reputation, value your website builds up in the long run, is ultimately transferred to the domain name. The intrinsic value of the domain name will rise with time.
The designing part of the website costs a lot more than buying a domain name. But as you will see, your website content will change with time;the design itselfwill change; andeventually, the website may get redesigned completely!

But you cannotchange your domain name.

If you do, it will be like starting afresh. You will be starting from zero again. All the years of hard work and adding value to the domain will vanish in no time.

Choosing the right domain name

  • There is no legal compulsion to choose a certain domain for certain types of businesses or individuals. You can choose the name of your liking subject to its availability.
  • It is a good practice though to choose a name that represents your business or who you are as an individual. So that people can associate the domain name with either you or your business entity.
  • But practically it is not always possible to get your ideal domain name. Today it is very hard to find a domain of your liking. Mostly due to unavailability.
  • That is why domain names today are getting longer and longer. But still, you should strive to get the shortest name possible. It is always easier to remember, and people are less likely to spell it wrong. And it also looks more decent and premium.
  • Avoid using hyphens in domain names. If your domain name consists of two words and you must break them up, you can use a hyphen between those words. However, domains with hyphens are generally considered spammy. So, my recommendation is to avoid them if possible. Because of all things, as I pointed out earlier, a domain name is the most difficult to replace later.

Booking the domain name

Domains can be booked through any web hosting company. The process is the same. The steps may vary slightly from company to company though.
The screenshot below is from the control panel I use to book domain names.

Booking the domain name

As you can see, I searched for my company domain name. And of course, it is unavailable.

The system suggests alternate domain names you can book. Of course, the options would be different depending on which part of the world you are searching from.
Different domain with different TLDs (.org, .online, .club, .design etc.) are priced differently.

Search until you find the name you like. And then follow the procedure to book it in your name. You will be required to register and create an account so that the domain can be placed within your control panel for you to manage whenever required.

2. Hosting

The second step involves buying a home for your website files. This is where your core WordPress files, themes, and plugins will reside.

There are many types of hosting you can opt for at this stage. There are very reliable ones and then there are ones that will suffice your basic requirements.
However, you can opt for shared hosting, which is usually the cheapest among all types of hosting you can buy. It could be as low as $5 to $10 per month.

Once you have zeroed in on the package you want, then simply pay for it and make it your own.

Now you have the two most important components sorted out, namely,domain & hosting.

Updating Domain Name Servers

This step essentially means connecting your domain with your hosting account. Your hosting account has an IP address associated with it. When someone types in your domain name, the request for information must be sent to the correct IP address.

In layman’s terms, name serversact as the glue between your domain & hosting account. If not configured properly, it will not fetch your site.
Fortunately, this would be an optional stepfor many. Especially if you booked the domain name from the same company that provided you the hosting space. Then in all probability, the domain & hosting is already mapped for you.

However, if you bought the domain separately from another company, you would need to get the name serverdetails from your hosting provider and update this information for your domain name.

You do this by logging into your domain control panel. It would be provided to you by the company that booked the domain name for you.

domain control panel

Look for the option that says, Name Servers and click on it.

Name Servers

You will see a panel somewhat like what is displayed above. You can enter your name server details and update the information.
Note that it does not reflect immediately. It takes anywhere between a few hours to 72 hours for DNS to propagate across the internet.

Why Choose WordPress?

Why Choose WordPress

One is spoilt for choice when you go looking for a Content Management System (CMS) to build your site.
But WordPress by far is the topmost used CMS in the world. And for a good reason too. It is easy and intuitive to use. And the best part is, it is completely free.
It is actively maintained, so you get regular updateswhich help add more features and enhancements, betters performance and keeps the security tight.
So, it’s a no-brainer when it comes to choosing the best platform for your website.

Installing WordPress

Installing WordPress is really the easy part.
You can either use the automated installersthat come bundled with your hosting control panels like cPanelorPlesk.

Installing WordPress

Softaculous Apps Installer lets you do exactly that. A few clicks are all it takes to install WordPress and many other popularscripts/programs on your domain name.
When you click on it, you see a screen like this:

Softaculous Apps Installer

It has many scripts that you can install automatically on your hosting account. WordPress is one of them of course. You just need to click on Installand it automatically gets installed for you.
Or you can install WordPress manually. It pays to know how something is set up. When you follow each of the steps, you understand the logic behind each one of them and how they all come together in the installation process of your website.

A solid understanding will also help you to troubleshoot issues if they arise in the future.

By the time you are done with this step, your site should be up and running on the web already. You should be able to access it using your chosen domain name. Just type it in the browser and Voila! Your site is live

The default theme from WordPress gets applied automatically when WordPress is newly installed. It is a basic theme and in theory, you could just use it the way it is. It can be customized easily just like any other theme.

Choosing & Installing a Theme

Well,choosing can be a difficult task when you have too many options to choose from. There are plenty of sites you can use to buy a professional theme for your blog. But I guess the most prominent one out there is the marketplace.

There you will find thousands of professional themes listed into categories like Corporate, Creative, Blog/Magazine, eCommerce, etc.
Before purchasing a theme, it is important to realize what type of website you are building. And then buy a theme designed for that niche.
That way you will find that the theme layout and structure by default aresetup in a very similar way to how you need it. Therefore, you will need very little customization to personalize it and make it your own.

However, there are plenty of themes available from WordPress itself. Just like plugins, you can choose and install them from the comfort of your WordPress Dashboard itself.
Log into your WordPress Dashboard. Click on Appearance->Themes ->Add New</strong>.
And you see a list of themes that you can browse through right in your Dashboard.

There are tons of beautiful themes there. And they are all free.
If you like one, simply click on Installto use it on your site.

Customizing Your Theme

This is such an important step. You are personalizing the theme to make it your own now. You have put in so much effort to come this far.
And now it is the fun part to try new colors, fonts, images, content and experiment a little, to get the desired look you want for your blog or website.

This is the step where you are replacing the web designer. A little diligence here would go a long way in ensuring the success of your website project.
The best way to customize a theme when you are not a designer yourself is to use the Customizer in WordPress. It has an overwhelming list of options you can use to customize and personalize your website to your heart’s content.

And the best part, it is all done visually. No coding required.

Final Thoughts

In this article, I have given you an overview of all the technologies or components that converge to facilitate the creation of your website.

As for the cost, it narrows down to two things only, your domain & hosting. Shared hosting costs as low as $5 to $6 per month. And a domain costs around $12 for one year. Which is easily less than 100 dollars a year.

So, if you can take the time out to do it yourself, you save a ton of money!

After that all you need to do is maintain the existing site, and formulate growth strategies to take your business forward.
Well, you should now have a fairly good idea of everything you need to put your website together.
Do you think I missed any points in the article? Or is there anything you need more clarity on? Feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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Boost your sales with ShopStore WordPress theme

Boost your sales with ShopStore WordPress theme

Woocommerce is an open-source, versatile WordPress-based e-commerce platform. Whether you start a business, take an existing retail store online, or create sites for customers, you can quickly start up and build precisely your desired website. Woocommerce turns the simple WordPress operating system into a fully functioning e-commerce business. Woocommerce is constructed to enable store managers to operate e-commerce websites themselves, and do not require web developers. Furthermore, a free Woocommerce smartphone app (Android and iOS) is available for ongoing business operations. The statistics show that Woocommerce is capable of supplying 25 percent of the world’s top 5 million online retail businesses.

Now, with Woocommerce accessibility, people are selecting their WordPress style. They want an underlying WordPress theme that fits well on Woocommerce. Among such ideas, an eye-catching theme is the ShopStore theme. ShopStore is a dominant and underlying WordPress eCommerce theme with thousands of remarkable features. A multifunctional WordPress style Woocommerce, ShopStore is a simple, fast, stylish, lightweight, and modern platform for WordPress.

Gutenberg and many other page builders will work well with the theme. It’s exceptionally accountable and obedient. It has over 3,000 operating facilities. The topic is a popular choice in online shops because its designs are spectacular and attractive.
The features of the ShopStore theme is presented below:

1. Fast Response

Compassionate theme with a fantastic appearance on the screen. This doesn’t matter if it is a handheld app, laptop, or desktop computer. ShopStore comes with versatile choices for the themes. As a matter of fact, most people browse websites on cell phones.

2. Price

ShopStore is available in both free and premium stages

3. Supports powerful e-commerce

ShopStore supports Woocommerce, a well-known e-commerce solution. The WordPress-oriented shop theme comes with Woocommerce service, which means you can sell and display your Fashion Store elegantly online with all e-commerce elements like add to cart, costs, product definition, etc.

4. Use of best plugins in ShopStore

Woocommerce has a wide variety of incredible applications, but the best aspect is alignment with two of the leading plugins.
ShopStore comes with Slider Revolution and Elementor Page Builder

A. Elementor Page Builder: A designer of a live website without any interface limitations. Instantly done. Do it instantly. Elementor is the creator of the immediate drag and drop website. Constructing a website is as simple as dragging and dropping. Besides, you can edit and load the page immediately online. The GUI in which to work is easy and enjoyable. The page designer functionality includes Box outlines, backdrop overlays, hover effects, headline effects, transitions, shape sections, and gradient backgrounds.

B. Slider Revolution: The newest way to create interactive content for your website is by Slider Revolution 6. With this influential visual editor, you can easily create digital architecture. Incredibly, it is not essential to have coding expertise. You will develop Sliders and Special FX with their excellent Add-ons, Hero Headers, Link Plugins, Complete Websites, and Innovative Solutions. More than 200 models are available in the library. All projects are groundbreaking. Instant and quick updates are given.

5. Codestar Framework Preferences

If you create a site that includes much of the pages generated by Codestar framework, the theme choices for the ShopStore allow you to choose the interface, sidebar, and other settings for your WP Store that you need. These options may, however, be overridden with web Metadata on different websites.

6. Versatile and Powerful

With state-of-the-art technology, fashion blogs, and online shopping retailers, you are able to create a new and successful website. The theme is designed to fit any specific fashion website requirements with rich colored schemes and ample configuration choices. ShopStore comes with a WordPress theme Cream that shows the fashion pieces with the sleek, full large slider.

7. Looks Great in Almost Every Devices

Each object in your store should be viewed in a presentable manner. Categorizing makes it easy for the user to pick an object from that specific group when they exchange online. The subject has additionally been added to the cart choice and login user account. And there are many more these fantastic apps that can carry the business to high elevations.

The full-screen toggle shows the business pictures which have an extension to the cart button to guide consumers to the shopping area, provides a package view for package style shows, and an impressive monitor in the merchandise section that lets people conveniently choose items.

8. SEO compatible

ShopStore is an SEO configured WordPress plugin. Moreover, the presence of indexes is considered to be an achievement. The theme is based on twitter bootstrap. An additional feature area and the report section enable your customers to provide reviews, praises and advice on how to develop your website. Besides, it is also updated with the latest WordPress version. The subject has an impressive one-page interface, based on Twitter Bootstrap, enabling you to view the content on a single tab. There is a full-scale slider in the example, which will show all the configuration.

9. One-Click Demo Import

Today, internet piracy is prevalent. Without testing demonstration, no customer trusts any product at least once. WordPress themes that import prototypes are more likely to be purchased.

Also, ShopStore provides a sample import with one button. With a single button, you might test the demo and decide. You may also select a downloadable edition.

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20 Codeless wordpress themes for business or Agency owner

20 Codeless wordpress themes for business or Agency owner

Are you an online business owner and want a Minimalist WordPress Themes for growing your business? Do you desire WordPress theme for business, for both eye-catching looks and business functionalities? If Yes, then, of course, you’re in the right place. Because this blog will describe, Twenty [20] Minimalist WordPress Themes for Business Owner regarding eye-catching looks and awesome business-building activities.

First of all, I like to say a few words if you’re a newcomer to WordPress. WordPress is an open-source platform. There you’ll get thousands of thousands of stunning WordPress themes for business, including exciting looks and unique business features. But if you want to choose from there for your business, it’ll be tough for its vastness.

For that reason, I came with a handy 20 Minimalist WordPress Themes for Business Owner to choose and practice. If you read this post carefully, I hope you’ll find your desire Minimalist WordPress theme for your business. So, without further delay, let’s start the listing.

Business Consultant Finder

WordPress themes for business

Business Consultant Finder is an attractive looking design, very professional, lightweight, and hugely engaging multipurpose business theme. Firstly this theme is well capable of almost any type of website like a blog, portfolio, consulting business, startup company, finance business lawyers, mentors, professional services, and WooCommerce storefront. Also, its design and theme customization give you maximum flexibility. The theme is not only WooCommerce compatible but also attach with Elementor and Layer Slider, Smart Slider 3, Revolution slider features. Besides, it permits you to build pages with the most popular page builders as Elementor, BeaverBuilder, VisualComposer, Divi, SiteOrigin, and so on.

Theme features:

  • A multipurpose business and WooCommerce compatible theme
  • Maximum flexibility of design and theme customization
  • Attach with Elementor and Layer Slider, Smart Slider 3, Revolution slider
  • Compatible with Elementor, BeaverBuilder, VisualComposer, Divi, SiteOrigin page builder
  • And so on

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BC Business Consulting Multipurpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme

consulting Wordress theme

If you’re looking for a WordPress theme for any project, business, agency, personal or web studio, BC Business Consulting Multipurpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme for you. Firstly, it’s clean, highly adaptable, and a complete responsive multipurpose theme is perfect for beginners. Besides, it’s originated with the latest technologies, and its rich features are highly extendable for developers, freelancers, and growing businesses. But, it designed with the user in mind to assure everlasting freedom to create and customize your site like a pro and without coding. And more importantly, it built on Visual Composer PageBuilder, which provides the smoothest experience while creating your website.

Key features:

  • Powerful theme option with the Video guideline
  • One-click demo importer, endless skin color, and highly customizable typography
  • SEO friendly
  • Contact Form 7, VisualComposer, and KingComposer toolkit included
  • And so on

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Be Page Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Be Page Multipurpose WordPress Theme is appropriate for Corporate, Education, Restaurant, Wedding, Shop, Real estate, Portfolio, or any relevant websites. Firstly, it’s a Responsive Corporate One Page and Minimal Multipurpose WordPress Theme, based on the Bootstrap framework and HTML5/CSS3 technologies. Even more, it allows quick and easy setup to build a portfolio and display your works and services instantly. Also, the theme has a seamless combination with Elementor Theme Builder and Ultimate Addons.

Main features:

  • One-click demo importer and flexible settings
  • Creative layouts with high-speed performance
  • SEO optimized and Kirki powerful customizer toolkit options
  • Contact form 7, and Elementor page builder included
  • And so on

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Spacious – Free Business WordPress Theme

free wordpress themes for business

Spacious is one of the most popular WordPress themes for business, which empowers more than 70,000 websites. Besides, you can import the sections from a header to footer. You can likewise create many different kinds of widgets like Pricing Widget, Team Widget, Featured Widget, Service Widget, etc.

Notable features:

  • WooCommerce Template with Advanced Typography and Speed optimized
  • Multiple Color Option with Boxed and Wide Layout
  • An entire Responsive Design, Demo Content, and Custom CSS
  • WPML Compatible, Translation Ready, and SEO Ready
  • And so on

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Consulting & Business WordPress Premium Theme

BiZconsulting is a clean and modern WordPress Theme and can use in any type of business like consultancy, Advising, Solicitor, Creative, Corporate, Finance, Insurance, etc. Also, all pages perform a simple, quick, and smart way after customization. Besides, the team of developers has tried to cover everything consumers need to set up a Consulting or Finance related business website.

Top features:

  • Build With Bootstrap with Clean and Simple Design
  • Included Google Fonts and Font Awesome Icons
  • Easy to Customize and Well Documented
  • Hundred [100%] percent Responsive and Mobile Friendly
  • And so on

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Clean Biz

business wp theme

Clean Biz Pro is an astonishing, clean, and perfect WordPress Theme for business. Firstly, the theme has easy-to-use customization features, enable-disable options, and font options. Also, the different available sections give a professional look to your online store. It also a WooCommerce compatible theme and has a powerful image slider to create an eye-catching effect. But most importantly, the theme updated with a page builder like Elementor, Site Origin, and other popular plugins.

Features include:

  • Unlimited Colors and Live Customizer Option
  • Pagination Option and Breadcrumb Option
  • Footer Copyright Editor with Full Documentation
  • Live Chat Support 24/7
  • And so on

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Uptime – Responsive Elementor

WordPress Theme for Business

Uptime is a unique, responsive, and block-based WordPress theme. It combines stylish design, premium features, and a modern workflow to build your multipurpose website fast. Besides, it presents many different fashionable landing pages, and the demo data will show you pre-made content blocks. So, you can connect your potential buyer at first glimpse.

Remarkable features:

  • The responsive, powerful grid system and Infinite page layout possibilities
  • Latest WordPress Version always supported
  • Pixel perfect design and beautiful vector icons
  • Works with Ninja Forms and Social Sharing ready
  • And so on

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Gutenberg WordPress Theme for Business

Openlane is an outstanding Gutenberg WordPress theme for business, which presents you with a live editing feature. For regular WordPress users, this theme is currently so promising. Also, this theme embraces functional features with multiple responsive layouts for business WordPress sites. So, take on a brand new creative experience like never before with OpenLane Gutenberg.

Competing Features:

  • Openlane Blocks Plugin includes Google Maps Block with Advanced Hero Block
  • Instant Demo and Click to Edit Experience with Fast loading speed
  • Convenient to call for blocks and Highly retrievable page
  • SEO Optimization, Mobile Friendly, Retina Ready, and Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • And so on

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A Colossal Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Rhodos is an elegant fresh, clean, and versatile Business WordPress Theme. To clarify, it’s perfect for a law firm, financial company, portfolio, tax consulting, accounting services, strategy planning. Moreover, it is great for web and creative agency, economist analytics, startup company, business coach, marketing and advertising services & analysis, and so on. Besides, there’re Ten [10] unique niche skins in Rhodos. No doubt, it is one of the best minimalist WordPress themes.

Theme features:

  • Ten [10] unique niche skins and Fast page load
  • Events, Team, Services, and Portfolio management
  • One-Click demo install and Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Advanced Blog Settings
  • And so on

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Business, Finance WordPress Theme

Quickly create a modern business website of any niche with Consulting – Business, Finance WordPress Theme. First of all, select from unlimited modern, clean and professional color skins, and unlimited header layouts, and perfectly frame your content and suit your brand style. Also, the Consulting business WordPress theme comes with the Revolution Slider, which helps you create stunning slides with animated effects in no time.


  • Three [03] Service Page Templates and Two [02] Portfolio Showcase Page Templates
  • Visual Composer, Retina Ready, WPML, and Translation Ready
  • Custom SVG Icons, 800+ Google Fonts, FontAwesome Icons, and built with SAAS
  • Audio and Video Embed with Regular Updates
  • And so on

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Startup Company

WordPress Theme for Business & Technology

The Startup theme is an ultimate tool to kickstart your project. To clarify, it could be a software development company, or a product startup or any new business. Firstly, it has powerful custom portfolio options to showcase your technology projects, Events functionality for business events. Also, you can publish a blog with lots of different options. Besides, the breakthrough design and top-notch functionality will make your startup successful from the very first day. In short, the Startup Company theme has all the functionality you want.

Promising features:

  • Many Responsive Layouts, Shop Layouts, and Portfolio Layouts
  • Virtual Reality Startup, Event Startup, and Service Startup
  • Advanced SEO
  • Helpful Customer Support
  • And so on

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MultiPurpose WordPress Theme for Startup Business

Saasland is a creative WordPress theme for SaaS. Firstly, it works equally fine for software, startup, mobile app, agency, and related products and services. Also, the theme load with several features, elements, blocks, and options. Besides, that adds to its flexibility and enables it to make dynamic websites in no time. Moreover, it’s fully responsive and looks great on all screens.

Best features:

  • Cloud-based and Classic SaaS
  • Accounts and Billing with Payment Processing
  • Analytics Software, CRM Software, and Support Desk
  • Mobile App Showcase
  • And so on

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Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme

Front – Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme is an incredibly beautiful, fully responsive, and cleanly coded WordPress theme. Firstly, it’s the most precise definition of this amazing theme and perfect starting point for your creative business. Besides, there’re twenty-four [24] homepages and demos that you can use for any kind of business website you plan. And most importantly, developers have built on a mobile-first approach.

Its features:

  • Built on Bootstrap 4, Underscores, Gulp and SASS
  • Included Premium Images
  • More than 150 Gutenberg Blocks
  • WooCommerce Compatibility
  • And so on

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Business WordPress Theme

One of the most minimalist WordPress themes is Etienne. Firstly, it’s a widget ready, high resolution, and Gutenberg optimized WordPress theme. Also, Etienne is a refined WordPress theme, equally suitable for every kind of niche. However, create with it a marketing agency, business, and fashion store websites or interior design portfolios. As the theme is fully customizable so you can keep what you like, and modify all the rest.

Etienne features:

  • Easy to use and no coding knowledge required
  • Powerful Admin Panel and One-click demo site
  • Responsive and Retina Ready and Translation Ready
  • Customizable Mega Menu with Child Theme included
  • And so on

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Business / Corporate WordPress Theme

DynamiX WordPress Theme comes with powerful admin options, so you can even enable or to disable the responsiveness if you want. Also, it’ll take you to the other horizons of customization you could never imagine. Besides, you can use the theme as a Shop, Community, and One-Page Parallax site too. Moreover, there’re astonishing jQuery features, such as Accordion, Tabs Vertical Tabs, Toggle (Reveal), Content Animator, and Fancybox Lightbox.

Highlighted features:

  • Highly Configurable Stunning Galleries
  • Powerful admin options with Powerful Skin Editor
  • Unlimited Colors, and Google Fonts + Typography Control
  • Search Engine Optimization, including Google Page Speed
  • And so on

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Finance & Business WordPress Theme

BrainBizz is the WordPress theme that is awarded by Envato, and you can create your financial agency website easily. Besides, it’s cross-browser compatibility, and valid coding is so amazing that you’ll get benefits of the theme. Also, it’s adorable design looks super beautiful on every kind of screen. Also, it has online documentation, and great support is available.

Focused features:

  • More than 30 modules with all the necessary settings
  • Powerful Module of Team Members
  • Timetable Shortcode with Extended Timeline Shortcodes
  • Flexible Header Builder with Presets and Child Theme Included
  • And so on

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The Simple

Business WordPress Theme

The Simple – Business WordPress Theme is an excellent theme that comes with great transition outcomes. They’re more than 14 of them, and they make the website look modern and smooth. Besides, it’s both an easygoing and fashionable WordPress theme, and it has Parallax sections to beautify your online store. But most importantly, with an innovative installation setup wizard system, the website can be created with three [03] simple clicks.

Important features:

  • Mega Menu, Navigation, Layout, and WooCommerce compatible
  • Predefined Home Pages, Ready Pages, and Improved Performance
  • Customizability Theme Options, Setup Wizard, and Extensions
  • Elle Slider, Revolution Slider, LayerSlider WP, and WPBakery Visual Composer included
  • And so on

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Factory Business WordPress Theme

Industrial – Factory Business WordPress Theme is versatile, but comparatively more suitable for Industrial, manufacturing, and factory niches. Firstly, you can set unlimited colors and layouts, and used for any kind of Industrial or manufacturing type business. Due to the client’s total help, WPBakery Page Builder Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, WooCommerce support, and advanced admin panel, are included. So to build your perfect theme with joy, why search further, take it now.

Valuable feature:

  • One-click demo import with unlimited colors
  • WooCommerce ready and hundred [100%] percent responsive
  • WPBakery Visual Composer, Revolution Slider included
  • Right to left support and WordPress customizer ready
  • And so on

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Business Consulting WordPress Theme

Castor – Business Consulting WordPress Theme is a perfect choice for any type of online store. Firstly, you can use for Financial Advisors, Insurance Brokers, Accountants, Lawyers, Consultants, Agency, Startup company, Finance business, and so on. Besides, its responsive design, it’ll make this template attractive and highly ranked by customers. And finally, it loads with several different page types, includes unlimited color schemes, lots of fonts, icons, and much more.

Main features:

  • One-click demo import, and Easy color management
  • SEO Optimized with super flexible and responsive
  • Visual Composer, Slider Revolution, and WPML ready
  • Multiple header variants with clean and commented code
  • And so on

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Finally, we did with our list with its multiple features. I assure you will love this theme and use it for your upcoming website. All the above themes have wow features that will customize your website in a beautiful way.

I hope this article is helpful to you. Use the above-discussed theme and send us your review on our page. You can also comment us your queries and troubles in our comment section. We heartily accept all of them and soon return with your solution. Keep visiting our website for the furthermore interesting and useful article.

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8 Choicest WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin

8 Choicest WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce allows you to install variability in swatches in your online WooCommerce shop for variable product attributes. The plugin allows the height, width, and shape of the Swatch icons to be customized. The WooCommerce Variety Swatches plugin offers shoppers an out-of-the-box summary of possible variants for items in your WooCommerce business (such as color, scale, texture, etc.) via swatches. 

Swatches are a stunning development for WooCommerce Variation. Using this plugin, you can apply names, photographs, and colors to the product selection fields. Its unique elegance comes with a versatility that helps the consumers to select items quickly based on updates and orders.

Many chose to use the premium account by paying a certain amount of money to fund the incredible factors of the WooCommerce variation swatches pro edition.

One of the highlights is the possibility to change category or archive settings on the tab. You can set which individual attribute to be chosen, and Tooltip is available on all categories or historical page for woocommerce variation swatches images and text difference. The current best 8 woocommerce variation swatches plugin is described below that will help to advance and add astounding features to your E-commerce website.

Smart Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Preview screenshots of Smart Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

This plugin offers more options for displaying the product updates with swatches while maintaining the usual WooCommerce style preserved. Therefore, you can show your product types, shapes, colors and other features more sophisticated than the default WooCommerce. When maintaining attributes, each of them may have the usual image, color or symbol. The plugin provides a wooCommerce variation swatches for Images, which allows choosing the correct color or icon to transform the standard variable attribute to a better looking colorful characteristics. In all can sizes, you can display pictures or colors.

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ThanksToIT’s Color or Image Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Image Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Color or Image Variation Swatches for WooCommerce offers new attributes of the WooCommerce category (color, mark, and image) to generate creative variations. This plugin helps to create a new group of quality for photo, color, and label management.

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Premmerce Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Premmerce Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

The plugin is ideal for a wide range of functions. This option is the main product attribute of the consumer and encourages a purchase. The plugin demonstrates essential characteristics which can be seen on the WooCommerce category tab. This makes the website more accessible.
This plugin has all the features of the other standard Woocommerce variation swatches. When you select the premium for a pro version, the value for your money is exceptional, as only certain features with the premium upgrade are available. Aside from the product list, it is one of the highlights of your product that you can add to the shopping cart directly.

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Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

This plugin includes a new feature for creating image swatches, unlimited color swatches, and either circle or square setting the swatch style. You can replace the default drop-down fields in WooCommerce with swatches for image and color. This plugin only works on variable items. This plugin’s premium edition has incredible additional features. It is also possible to determine the minimum amount and zoom the swatch photo to be displayed on the shop tab. You can switch between round and sharp edge to swatch square style.

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Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Would you like to give your clients an elegant, comfortable, and professional experience? For the ultimate customer satisfaction, the Variation Swatches for WooCommerce has the most impressive features and capabilities. Variation Swatches for WooCommerce replaces the Variability Selection Options fields are present for viewing objects of variety in pictures, colors, and labels. You can switch between square-shaped and rounded swatches with this plugin. Among other features, Variety for WooCommerce has several variations for out-of-stock watches. The choices for blur, cover and cross sign of up to 30 varieties each.

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Would you like to give your clients an elegant, comfortable



This plugin includes a new feature for creating image swatches, unlimited color swatches, and either circle or square setting the swatch style. You can replace the default drop-down fields in WooCommerce with swatches for image and color. This plugin only works on variable items. This plugin’s premium edition has incredible additional features. It is also possible to determine the minimum amount and zoom the swatch photo to be displayed on the shop tab. You can switch between round and sharp edge to swatch square style.

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ThemeHigh’s Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

ThemeHigh's Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce is your go-to choice if you want absolute control of your WooCommerce online store. This plugin comes with 3 types of swatch product variations; swatches of image, color, and mark. You can customize the swatches icons and labels based on height, width, and shape. The above features can be found in the free plugin edition. You can switch between round-square types. The pro edition can be acquired for impressive added advantages.

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WooCommerce Variation Swatches of aThemeArt

WooCommerce Variation Swatches of aThemeArt

This plugin facilitates variation of product attributes using swatches of color, pictures, logos, messages, and buttons.

This plugin enables the use of images and colors at the background and border of the swatch. You can choose between rounded and squared types to show attributes. You can choose to hide, cross or blur them for items that have run out of stock until you have restocked them. The pro version of WooCommerce variation swatches plugins also facilitates single and multi-attribute options for extra pages such as categories, catalogs, and archives. You can also disable settings of any given product with the Premium plugin.

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The fact that you have a shop in WooCommerce means that you are looking to make high profits from your sales. Without swatches of variety, the shop is, at best, a generic business. That’s why there are variation swatches plugins. These plugins make it easier to configure your shop and be more fruitful. After looking out for the plugin with the features that you want, you should settle for one of the best plugins for WooCommerce variation swatches that are lined up to you.

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How to Pick Right WordPress Theme for your Next WordPress Store

It is not easy to select a WordPress store theme for your business website. Beginners especially feel overwhelmed during this selection process. In the midst of thousands of free and paid options, confusion is quite inevitable. How do you pick the best WordPress theme for your online WordPress store theme ? This question is the theme of this article.

Why Wise Selection of WordPress Store Theme Matters?

WordPress has an immense power to create all kinds of websites. Every theme caters to a different industry. The theme has to complement the content of your website.

Thousands of WordPress themes and WooCommerce WordPress themes are available in the market. Not every theme is okay for your store. There are two kinds of malicious WordPress themes.

Poorly Coded

They have tons of customization options. But bad code makes it difficult to change the theme or use other WordPress plugins. No wonder, if you have to pay some developer for helping you switch.

Increased Loading Time

The website that takes time to load, can make no revenue. There are WordPress themes that make your website look great, but slows down its speed. These websites never get ranked on search engines.

So How To Select the Best WordPress Theme?

You should consider nine factors in this process.


There are WordPress themes with many colors and complex layouts. Many themes even have pre-built flashy animations. Sometimes you may need those things, but most of the time, you will not. Be clear about your requirements.

The best choice would be a theme whose design layout helps you achieve your goals. Usability and simplicity are two things you cannot afford to compromise on.

Over complex presentation style scares the visitor. The Purpose of web design is to help users and not confuse them. The theme that looks great but does not drive sales and increase conversions is not the perfect match.


Themes that adjust their layout across different screen sizes are responsive themes. Ideal WooCommerce WordPress themes are always responsive.

The majority of web traffic comes through mobile and handheld devices. The stats may go higher than 50%, depending on the niche of your website. Mobile-friendly websites are shown at the top of Google search results because Google knows the importance of responsiveness. All websites have to be responsive and fully mobile-ready.

By default, most of the WordPress themes are responsive. Yet, there are sellers who sell fixed-width layouts which are not mobile-friendly at all. Ensure that the one you have selected is completely responsive.

Browser Compatibility

Not all your customers will be using the same browser to check your online store. There are WordPress themes that look great on one browser and bad on the other.

That is the point where browser compatibility comes in. Professional WordPress theme developers always test their themes rigorously. There are sophisticated browser compatibility testing tools for that.

Often they clearly mention this on their website. In case they don’t, you can run some basic tests to check the theme on different browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.

Remember to test on different browsers on mobile as well.

Supported Plugins

WordPress plugins are the real power of WordPress. Keep this in mind, when you select the WordPress store theme for your online store. These plugins allow you to do almost anything with your WordPress website.

Among hundreds of WordPress plugins, there are some must-have WordPress plugins. They are more than necessary for every website, regardless of the niche. For example, Gravity Forms, Yoast SEO, W3 Total Cache, etc. Before finalizing any WordPress theme, confirm that it has no compatibility issue with any of the popular plugins. If you have doubts, consult a theme developer.

Multilingual Ready + Translation

The majority of WordPress websites are not in the English language. You may also need a website in any other language. You may plan a multilingual WordPress site in the future. Most of the WooCommerce WordPress themes are translation ready. Make sure that the one you have picked up is translation ready and supports multilingual WordPress plugins.

Page Builders

Beautiful page layouts you create using drag and drop user interface are possible because of Page Builders. They are the WordPress plugins that let you do it. Many WordPress themes come with preinstalled page builders.

A lot of unwanted code is generated during building landing pages with these page builders. Switching theme requires cleaning this up. So choose a WordPress store theme that is shipping with one of the most used page builder plugins. It is also possible to purchase these page-builders separately and use them with other themes.

Level of Support

No guaranteed support is one drawback of using a free WordPress theme. Yes, some developers provide good support, but a lot of free themes come with zero support.

Messing up with your WordPress theme can get you into trouble. You will have to figure it out on your own. You may end up paying a third-party developer to resolve the minute issues.

Pick up the WordPress theme that has good documentation and support options. Many premium WordPress themes offer detailed documentation with 1-year email support.

Search Engine Friendly

The WordPress theme you pick plays a critical role in search engine optimization. It is quite possible that a good-looking theme generates poor HTML. That would affect your ranking in search engines.

Beginners cannot analyze the theme’s source code on their own. Many premium WordPress theme developers will let you know that their pages are optimized for SEO.

The best is to take a look to see if the page generates proper HTML5 by checking it with the W3C Markup Validation service. However, be informed that the W3C tool will generate many warnings. There is nothing to worry about.

Reviews & Ratings

This is one of the most solid indicators of a WordPress theme’s quality. The ratings and reviews provided by their users. If the theme is sold on a third-party marketplace, you can see customer reviews.

For free WordPress themes, the rating section lies just below the download button. It will display the number of reviews and stars given by users. Clicking on 5 stars will show you all the reviews that gave the theme 5 stars.

Wrapping itup

It is now your call to select a WordPress store theme for your online store that fulfills all these criteria. Be very careful, as the impacts are long lasting.

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The 09 Creative WordPress mega menu plugins to make friendly WordPress Navigation

The mega-plugins from WordPress are available to help you increase the regular WordPress menu and make it simple and comfortable for the users. The menu is the key item of all websites, and is a point of reference for travelers, and is important even for search engines.

WordPress uses the main features to construct a basic drop-menu, but mega-cannot be supported at all. It is still very quick to create a WordPress mega-for your website. Although the WordPress menu includes its parts and preferences, certain WordPress menu plugins can significantly expand the interface. You get a much more interactive and usable menu rather than a short list of the pages that appear while you are floating.

Usually, mega-menus have a few specific features:

  • they’re very huge. That’s why it’s so big, right?
  • Tons of information are shown simultaneously–no scrolling needed.
  • This is only seen on click or press, instead of being a permanent part of a website navigation.

But if your difficulty comes with built-in megamenu functionality, you would have to turn to a plugin to get top notch menus for your WordPress website. I am going to explore in this blog some of the high-quality WordPress great menu plugins. But first I think it is necessary to discuss whether it is a smart thinking to get and use one of these super menu plugins on your website, or not.

Are super or mega menus functionality good?

As quickly as you take precautions, mega menus usually improve the site’s accessibility by way of encouraging the discovery of your visitors. So, let’s see what are the precautions?

Timing display — It’s fundamental that when the mega menu is displayed on the monitor, you add a 0.5-second delay at least so mega menus take up the higher component of the display immovable.

Grouping of products – Using “concise but informative marking” to insure all products on the chunk menu are put in corresponding groups. In addition, every alternative is only viewed once.

In different phrases they can make the Website extra user friendly, if you observe the standard practices of these mega-menu plugins. The 10 best WordPress mega menu plugins are:

1. WP Mega Menu

Preview screenshots of WP Mega Menu

WP Mega Menu is a Mytheme Shop top class choice that operates via all topics and has three compatible models. The mixed styles permit you both to access every day menu objects (and related meta information), as well as your most current posts.

Specific features of WP Mega Menu:

Drop and drag menu builder:

The development of this robotic WordPress plugin is fun to create a mega menu. Compose stylish menus with dynamic aspects for drag and drop. Build your own flexible menu templates and on each and every device make your web sites seem to be better.

  1. Highly flexible.
  2. Adaptive menu designs.
  3. Flexible drag and drop system.

Accurate and quick:

A cutting edge digital menu design is available from WP Mega Menu. Build with this versatile device, all visually. Place the menu items intuitively in the rows and columns.

  1. Modifications are properly saved.
  2. AutoSaved are enabled.
  3. Menus are based on row & columns.

Tools for unlimited styling:

The number of menu items you desire to have is not restricted. There are also limitless choices to make it trendy and social. You can carry any theme with WP Mega Menu comfortably.

  1. Multifaceted access.
  2. Trendy and collaborative.
  3. limitless menu objects.

Advanced Widget Features:

You can also use pre-built app widgets as menu objects, in addition to the use of short codes in menus. The app widgets add additional functionality to allow you to set images, titles and small details.

  1. Customized dedicated and usable WPMM plugins.

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2. Groovy Mega Menu

Preview screenshots of Groovy Mega Menu

WP plugin from Grooni Authors Crane style, which is fantastically personalized. You can get a boot from navigation and on the website you can configure some kind of menu. Header library prefabricated presets. Into mega menu blocks, Menu Plugin is sponsored with the aid of the most frequent WPBakery, new Elementor, Gutenberg, Beaver, WPML, Woo Commerce designers.

Groovy Menu is a quick and free WordPress Mega Menu plugin that helps you to add an amazing menu to the website online and enhance web navigation quickly. You just have to import your logo and configure it rapidly to fit your colors, fonts to measurements.

Key features:

  • Transparent Menu-You can apply boundary lines to the menu and change the level of transparency.
  • Label-You can build a centered menu with a middle logo for one-page and business pages.
  • Icon-You can attach icons to your website to create a special menu full-height.
  • Slide or Off-Canvas menu— Slide or Off-Canvas multi-level Hamburgers menu.
  • Page builders: It helps you, with ease of visual change, to create a beautiful website. You can create gorgeous super menus with the drag and drop options to provide maximum layout control of each single type menu object.

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3. Hero Menu

Preview screenshots of Hero Menu

Hero Menu is an extremely versatile mega menu favorite plugins for wordpress, which can be used to build a modern menu area on your web. You can show posts with thumbnails or actually view products with flat icons in a multi-menu styles plug-in. Using this app is definitely simple and you can connect blogs, web sites and sections to your toolbar. It is a definitely sensitive menu update, such that even on small display screens the menu looks pleasant to keep the website online appropriate fit.

Specific features:

  • It’s very easy to use. Great UX and UI for simple and easy Configure colors, fonts, animation, interface, appearance and more
  • Content is customizable. Create interactive content and add own Short codes along with HTML Add Comments, Articles, Classes and Custom Contact Forms (through Short Code) to Google Maps Megamenu can be added.
  • Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE9 and up are supported by the plugin.

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4. WP Mega Menu Pro

Preview screenshots of WP Mega Menu Pro

WP Super Menu Pro is a large mega-menu plugin with amazing functionality, which brings the website to the subsequent level. This plugin provides excellent menu alternatives for each vertical and horizontal, in accordance to your needs. It comes with a large widget screen, which includes a drag-and-drop display screen design, so that you can simplify the operation. With this plugin you can create an excellent tabbed menu that will impress your users. You can design the menu and play with the menu’s colors to make certain it matches with different parts of the subject. This plugin provides you with over one hundred different configuration alternatives to modify it to your needs.

The premium features:

  • Menu Settings. Just apply short code online, or as megamenu style by inserting a search element.
  • Icon Menu Settings: available for more than 300 Fonts and 160 + Generic on.
  • Select the normal or user post image size for the featured or modified image (width and height customizable option) Modified settings
  • Submenu Points: Type Custom options for mega menu type with category name, author name, excerpt and a lot more.

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5. Mega Main Menu

Preview screenshots of Mega Main Menu

Mega Main Menu is a WordPress plugin which is quite frequent and generally used, but basic and highly professional and useful. These provides you with ten or more choices for developing a drop-down menu, so you can put various types of items, such as links, photos, widgets, etc.

The Awesome features are:

  • Capabilities are amazing. The options included that include a sticky screen, the icons, great drop downs, a logo and a scan. Such apps look amazing on every website.
  • Variations in limitless colors. For any menu object, you can easily change the color. The fonts, gradients and background pictures can be used flat. This permits you to customize your website color guide.
  • Dropdowns: 10 + items combinations. Using Mega Main Menu to configure the dropdown. In menu links, texts, photos, widgets and short codes you can put any content.
  • 1600 + Icons of the Vector. For the menu and page, using 1600 + icons. Vector icons are easy graphics with excellent resolution on any screen.
  • Facilities for WPML. WPML unit tested and approved. Multilingual websites compliant with support for RTL. The WPML plugin is enabled and the Mega Main Menu is dynamically operating with it.

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6. Superfly Responsive Menu

Preview screenshots of Superfly Responsive Menu

Superfly is a flexible WordPress menu plug-in that provides powerful space for vertical, slide / static scrolling, button toolbar, or full screen menu. It can be used to work by itself or complement the key menu. The main WordPress Menu System is available at Superfly. So, on WP’s Appearances / Menus tab, you are building a Regular WP menu or using existing menus and on the Superfly options tab, you are choosing this menu as your source. In its sidebar, Superfly injects menu.

The premium features include:

  • 100% Responsive and superfly suits the various screen sizes well. It can add custom content or short codes, please use the rich text editor. The Sections of the Menu can be Classify in sequential parts and type the menu items into headings.
  • Settings to activate. Multiple sources of menu Option to mask standard menu button (label) and toggle menu from any object such as icon, connection or image. Enter as many WordPress menus as you like in Superfly.
  • Smooth scroll. Small journal. Limited but outstanding functionality for one page websites in particular. Get your attached items to float smoothly.

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7. UberMenu

Preview screenshots of UberMenu

UberMenu is a highly customized, user friendly Super Menu plugin for WordPress. This operates out of the box by using the Word Press 3 Menu System to start quickly, and it is versatile enough to create extremely custom super menu settings. UberMenu won’t immediately accept the theme’s style unless the theme is UberMenu-specific. You would have to design the models yourself if you want to replicate it.

The first rate features include:

  • Responsive & Mobile Optimized: It has a touch interface that unites user experience through mobile devices and not just a UberMenu 3 that reacts fully. Pick your own breakpoint-monitor the view width of the screen collapses by the Control Panel
  • Automatic item generation: The Dynamic Points and the Dynamic Terms menu object styles from UberMenu allow you to add all items, websites, groups, phrases, custom post styles or unique Words to your menu. Configure the filtering and sorting of the results.
  • Advance UI Settings: The advanced configuration panel can be moved to each menu item without the menu item being extended. Panel is automatically saved by AJAX, so you no longer save the entire menu when you need to change the configuration.

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8. Clever Mega Menu for Elementor

Preview screenshots of Clever Mega Menu for Elementor

Clever Mega Menu for Elementor is an easy Mega Menu Feature. This app for WordPress is a very flexible super menu, user. The plugin functions in tandem with the Elementor page creator to drag–content into the menu objects. The material and design settings of Elementor and Clever Add-ons for Elementor share the same treatments. Without the Elementor plugin, this module cannot work independently. So, please update Elementor on your website.

The key features include:

  • Highly adaptable: Clever Megamenu has a truly customizable feel, allowing backdrop, customized width to be set and the colors of all parts of the world to be used! And exactly how the menu feels like is up to you!
  • Clear and intuitive: using a whole set of advanced tools to produce more traffic, handle and convert. Dozens of plugins are no longer available.
  • No Coding skills are required: You do not have to practice Clever Megamenu coding! It is incredible how simple it can be without any effort to produce flawless results!
  • Virtual instruments Alternative: Preset is the number of menu style settings that have already been set and can be saved and modified or enabled at any place in the system.
  • Max Menu Widgets: Clever Megamenu Pro contains 2 widgets. Clever Megamenu vertical and Clever Megamenu horizontal. It lets you connect super menus to your website everywhere.

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9. HT Menu Pro

Preview screenshots of HT Menu Pro

HT Menu is a built-in add-on for Elementor Page to build the WordPress website menu and mega menu. It helps you to construct columns with Elementor templates and use Elementor widgets to create a Mega Menu. It has the option of adding the width and location of each screen.

Pro Features include:

  • HEADER/FOOTER BUILDER: This functionality helps you to create a header / footer style for the whole web site or website. The option of a global or a single page / post header / footer is open.
  • TEMPLATE BUILDER: This feature helps you to generate different template for a similar archive / tag / category / search/404/when / needs / maintenance list.
  • Message: This function allows showing real / fake buying orders with a sales message or popup. There is an alternative in the dashboard for handling the notification configuration.

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1600 + Icons of the Form. In your menu and website, use 1600 + images. Vector icons are sharp graphics that look fantastic on every resolution unit.

In Conclusion

With the support of the listed WordPress mega-menu plugins, the menu of your WordPress site can stand out in terms of unique functions and appearance. If you think you can add to the list, please let me know in the comments.

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10 Awesome WooCommerce Cart Plugins to Empower Your WordPress Store

Come and get the best WooCommerce add to cart ajax plugin.

Nowadays, WordPress is becoming more and more popular, and especially for an eCommerce or WooCommerce Store, it is becoming more and more challenging. So, to give a solution, WooCommerce comes forth and stand firmly. And makes glorious, useful, and awesome WP Store.

WooCommerce Cart plugins run so effectively that it makes an easy, useful, and user-friendly experience both for the owner and the consumers. Besides, the WooCommerce Popup Cart made a great effort to your consumer to have an enjoyable moment while browsing your site. and your products have to be easy to navigate and select.

So, without taking more time, let’s jump on the topic:

WooCommerce Modal Fly Cart + Ajax Add to cart

Preview screenshots of WooCommerce Modal Fly Cart + Ajax Add to cart

To make your customer’s hassle-free user experience and encourage them to buy instantly, WooCommerce Popup Cart + Ajax will be your perfect choice. First of all, it’s comes with several different styles and effects, and more importantly, it’s so easy to add or remove product quantity without reloading the page. Also, it views instantly the product comprises carting, with View Cart and Checkout Buttons.

In other words, it has unlimited color, background, customizable button style, and works both for simple and variable products.

It has top-class features like Open popup after add to cart in the archive page, Add to cart without page reload. And especially increase or decrease Quantity inside the popup window.

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Woo Cart Popup

Preview screenshots of Woo Cart Popup

For every single user who wants to control the cart items easily and directly, here is a plugin called Woo Cart Popup. First of all, WooCommerce Cart Popup includes a cart icon at the bottom across the site that explains the calculation of adding products in the cart. Besides, you’ll have the power to choose a perfect position [Right, Left, and Centre] for your cart.

If any user wants to view cart or empty cart, and desire to proceed Checkout, so he/she’ll do his/her activities easily with Woo Cart Popup.

This plugin appears with outstanding features and options like Showoff all separate product items in woo cart popup, View Cart, Empty Cart and Proceed to Checkout Button, Choose a position for cart popup Left, Right, and Center. And more importantly, you can remove added items without a refreshing page.

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WooCommerce added to cart popup [Ajax]

Preview screenshots of WooCommerce added to cart popup [Ajax]

This WooCommerce added to cart popup [Ajax] plugin comes to provide freedom to continue browsing the shop with ease. For that reason, customers don’t have to wait until the page refreshed. It immediately displays the items added to the cart with the View Cart and Checkout button. And also enables the customers to choose where to navigate, the items added to the cart.

As WooCommerce added to cart popup [Ajax] is open-source software, so it provides some crucial features and options. Best of all, its features are no refresh or reload, open an added item popup, view cart, checkout button, customizable button styles, and so on.

Besides, this plugin accomplishes easily with both simple and variable products. But the most noteworthy is, you can surely but effectively include or remove product quantity inside the popup cart.

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A plugin named YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup is born to make a procedure that is simple and balanced with the purchase process. You can develop the purchasing method by presenting users with a transparent overview of the products they added to the cart. Also, you can encourage the consumer to add more items to the cart through increasing order value and sales.

Besides, it enables to display of a popup window whenever the latest item is added to the cart, showing its content to the consumer.

But the most noteworthy, this plugin is a powerful tool and also with some extraordinary features like an easy-to-use plugin, eight [08] different animations, entirely customizable color and size of the window, and so on.

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WooCommerce Floating Cart

Preview screenshots of WooCommerce Floating Cart

If you desire to empower your WordPress Store shop to an Interactive Floating Cart for WooCommerce that slides in when the user decides to buy an item? Here is a plugin named WooCommerce Floating Cart. First of all, entirely customizable right from WordPress Customizer with Live Preview, and a video included for easy customization. Also, products, quantities, and prices are updated directly via Ajax through this plugin.

Besides, this Ajax Add to cart also supported within Quick View Modals and Single Product pages. However, anyone can easily change Counter position, Cart position, and apply Google fonts also.

And it has top-class eye-catching features like Product Variations Support, Display Product Attributes within the cart, RTL Support, Device Visibility options, and so on.

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Add To Cart Suggestion Popup – WooCommerce

Preview screenshots of Add To Cart Suggestion Popup - WooCommerce

For the small and medium eCommerce who wants his clients to intend to buy more products, in turn, increase conversions and sales. Here is a plugin named Add To Cart Suggestion Popup – WooCommerce. First of all, you’ll able to customize the appearance and change the color of the recommended popup based on your theme settings. Also, consumers will have the capability to scroll through plenty of products in an easy popup under the same category.

Besides, shoppers or consumers will intend to spend more when they find matching and interesting stuff instantly. For that reason, when the buyer adds a product, relevant category list suggestive products come forth.

It has some remarkable precise features to increase the product’s sales like Increase sales conversions, Manage relevant category products in the popup, Easily Style the Popup to Match the current theme, etc.

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WooCommerce Modal Fly Cart + Ajax add to cart

Preview screenshots of WooCommerce Modal Fly Cart + Ajax add to cart

If you want to provide your consumer with a user-friendly experience and desire to sell more from your products? Then here is a plugin named WooCommerce Modal Fly Cart + Ajax add to cart, which is right for you. This plugin does not only provide a user-friendly experience but also encourage your shoppers to buy more of your products.

Firstly, it appears with various immense styles and effects, and the more important thing is, it’s so comfortable to insert or delete product quantity without a refresh or reload the page.

Besides, it has endless color, background, customizable button style, and operates both for simple and variable products. Also, it has first-class features like Open popup after add to cart in the archive page, Add to cart without page reload. And especially increase or decrease Quantity inside the popup window.

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WooCommerce Ajax Add to Cart

Preview screenshots of WooCommerce Ajax Add to Cart

This plugin WooCommerce Ajax Add to Cart is created for AJAXifies the add to cart button in single product pages as well as variable products.

Besides, it not only a plugin that plugs and plays but also compatible with third {03} party plugins.

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WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup

Preview screenshots of WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup

If you desire to display a popup window once you added a product in cart on each page? Then WooCommerce added to cart popup will be an exact match. Also, it’ll provide your consumer with a clear overview of the products they’re purchasing, and encouraging to buy more products.

With WooCommerce ajax add to cart popup, your consumer will also see the related, cross-sell, and up-sell of the products. And you’ve also authorized the option for shop and single product page.

To clarify, it appears out with extraordinary top features like Mini Floating Cart, Popup with full cart control, Quantity update with a price on ajax base, and so on.

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At last, you’ve just finished reading the article, so you know these plugins are eagerly created to giving the advantage of your shoppers or buyers. And I can assure you, if you take one any of these plugins for your next or running project, you’ll be at a high chance of improving selling.

In conclusion, if you think this article is helpful, please don’t forget to review and comments on us. And if you’ve any questions feel free to ask, we’ll be happy to come back to you with your solution. And finally, I hope you’ll stay with us for more engaging, encouraging, and useful articles.

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7+ Best eCommerce for WordPress store to amplify WordPress theme

amplify WordPress theme

The main goal for the best eCommerce theme for WordPress Store is to amplify the WordPress theme. For that reason, an engaging website is compulsory for any WordPress store. So if you’re planning to build an eCommerce site and thinking of making it a solid one, I suggest that WordPress. Because WordPress gives endless themes and amplifies WordPress theme to your eCommerce website.

In this post, we will tell you about 7 best eCommerce themes for WordPress.

Shop Store Theme! Free WooCommerce Theme

Shop Store Theme

The first choice for the best eCommerce for WordPress, I love to pronounce a name call Shop Store Theme! Free WooCommerce Theme. First of all, it’s a WordPress store theme and well compatible with eCommerce websites. Not only that, its eye-catching design is so impactful to create a website, but it includes enormous customization options that are easy to use. However, it runs compatibly with Gutenberg and today’s most popular PageBuilder like WPBakery PageBuilder, Elementor, Brizy, BeaverBuilder, VisualComposer, SiteOrigin, and Divi.

  • 1. Free WordPress WooCommerce theme for eCommerce
  • 2. Its leading design is impactful to create an eye-catching site
  • 3. Compatible with Gutenberg, WPBakery PageBuilder, Elementor, Brizy, BeaverBuilder, VisualComposer, SiteOrigin, and Divi
  • 4. To create an extra layout and pages RTL and Translation ready
  • 5. WordPress responsive theme
  • 6. And considerably more

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BC Shop

BC Shop

The second name for store WordPress theme, I would like to pronounce is BC Shop. First of all, it’s a child theme of BC Business Consulting and exemplary for eCommerce website of many sorts of store types like the Online Bookstore, Electronics Store, Clothing Store, Fashion Store, Products Store, and several multipurpose online stores. Not only that, the latest design and sleek coding standard make them accurate for business, but it includes immense customization options that are reasonably easy to use. And most noteworthy, it’s compatible with popular eCommerce plugins WooCommerce and World’s leading PageBuilder plugin Elementor.

  • Simple setup with Demo content
  • Endless color style and responsive layouts
  • Powerful theme options with single page project
  • Retina ready and unique design
  • Clean standard code
  • And considerably more

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BCF Shop

BCF Shop

The third choice for the WordPress store theme, I like to pronounce is BCF Shop. First of all, it’s a child theme of Business Consultant Finder and a Free eCommerce WordPress theme. Secondly, BCF Shop is the best eCommerce WordPress theme for making online stores and online shops. Also, it comes with a clean and stylish style, integrates with the optional animated slideshows and eye-catching effects. But most noteworthy, it’s a combination of YITH WooCommerce wishlist and standard WordPress plugins along with Elementor, Gutenberg, WooCommerce, Google AMP compatible.

  • 1. Comes with a clean and stylish style
  • 2. Integrates with the optional animated slideshows
  • 3. Eye-catching effects and unique design
  • Combination of YITH WooCommerce wishlist and standard WordPress plugins along with Elementor, Gutenberg, WooCommerce, Google AMP compatible
  • 5. Limitless color style and responsive layouts
  • 6. And considerably more

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Multipurpose Shop

Multipurpose Shop

The very next name for the store theme WordPress, I like to pronounce Multipurpose Shop. To begin, it’s a child theme of the CorporateSource and a perfect eCommerce WordPress theme specially build for any online store or shop. Along with, it’s an entirely responsive layout which supports each device and integrates the industry standard eCommerce WooCommerce plugin. Most importantly, it’s well compatible with WooCommerce and comes with a drag-drop PageBuilder KingComposer to assure you can comfortably design your website.

  • Entirely responsive layout
  • Comes with a drag-drop PageBuilder KingComposer
  • Compatible with WooCommerce
  • Specially build for any online store or shop
  • Perfect eCommerce WordPress theme
  • And considerably more

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Basel – Responsive eCommerce Theme

Responsive eCommerce Theme

The next name I like to introduce is a theme name Basel – Responsive eCommerce theme. To clarify, it’s a professional and premium WordPress themes with a minimalist AJAX responsive theme, specially built to create a modern-day, powerful website. Also, it uses popular drag-drop PageBuilder, premium sliders, and WooCommerce. Not only, a ton of theme settings and options is included but also, able to create a great store whats view accurately on all major cross-browser. Besides, Basel is perfect for many relevant shops like cloth, electronics, furniture, accessories, flowers, or any other.

  • An entire responsive and WooCommerce integrated theme
  • Clean and commented code with simple installation and setup
  • AJAX Search and AJAX Shop filters
  • Included WPBakery PageBuilder, Revolution Slider, WishList plugin with MailChimp Newsletter and complete WooCommerce support
  • WPML Ready, RTL support and Contact Form 7 compatible
  • And considerably more

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The Retailer – WooCommerce eCommerce WordPress Theme

The Retailer

Now, I’m going to pronounce a name that is presently cross over nearly fifteen thousand [15.000+] plus users trusted to purchase. Also, weekly Top Seller and updated since 2013. And a reputable, reliable, and well-established theme for your upcoming eCommerce project. Yes, Of course, it’s the Retailer eCommerce WordPress theme for WooCommerce. Not only, this theme comes with a bundle of theme settings, and options but also, can sell anything from your store that displays precisely on all major cross-browser. Besides, you can use to create surprising blogs, corporate and personal sites, online stores, and portfolios.

  • Easy setup with endless page design possibilities
  • A flexible shop layout with mobile-friendly responsive design
  • Effortless customization options
  • Fifteen thousand [15.000+] plus users trusted to purchase. Also, weekly top Seller
  • Use new WordPress five Block Editor [05] or choose preferred PageBuilder WPBakery, Elementor, and VisualComposer
  • And considerably more

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Mr. Tailor – eCommerce WordPress Theme for WooCommerce

Mr. Tailor

After that, I like to introduce is a theme name Mr. Tailor – eCommerce WordPress theme for WooCommerce. First of all, it remarkably built to help you achieve an unbelievable online shopping experience. To clarify, it’s a beginner-friendly premium theme for WooCommerce and best suites for small business owners for displays products and selling products online. Besides, it permits to adjust, customize, enable, or disable individual elements. Alongwith this, it appears with a powerful theme options panel, detail theme documentation, and video guide for beginners. But most noteworthy, it’s well compatible with WPBakery PageBuilder, and RevolutionSlider.

  • 1. Quick installation and One-Click demo importer
  • 2. Plenty of Pre-Built layouts and Front-End, Back-End PageBuilder
  • 3. Integrates Google Web Fonts and Adobe Typekit
  • 4. An entirely responsive design, Translation-ready, and WPML-ready
  • 5. WPBakery PageBuilder, RevolutionSlider, and cross-browser compatible
  • 6. And considerably more

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